Quote Results Page Redesign
The original goal of the quote results page redesign was to increase the visibility and sales of Hagerty's additional coverage product offerings without disrupting existing quote conversion rates. Mid-project and due to resource limitations, we were given instruction by the business unit to refocus our design and development efforts toward the priority conversion goal of increasing the percentage of users who proceed to the application from the quote results page.

Year: 2014
Tasks: UX/UI, User Behavior Analysis, Visual Design
Tools: Axure, Photoshop, Inspectlet
Collaborations: Business Unit Stakeholders, Usability Manager
The discovery phase began with a review of the existing quote results page and analysis of Inspectlet data for insights into user behavior. What was shown via the Inspectlet scroll heatmap was that less than 50% of users were scrolling beyond the gray quote box, which led me to hypoethesize that these users may not be aware that content - including the additonal coverage product offerings - existed beneath. This hypothesis was confirmed at a future in-person user testing session.
More so, the Inspeclet click heatmap revealed that the Learn More CTA's associated with the policy sales messages had a high click rate, which meant that replacing these messages with additional coverage product messaging - as initially recommended by the Sales team to achieve their goal - could negatively impact the overall priority page goal of quote to application conversions.

Based on the discovery findings, I provided some initial change recommendations as shown below:
Add an instructional header labeled Review / Edit Quote Details to indicate content existed below, encouraging user page scroll
Clean up the quote details table for better scanability and a more uniform appearance
Replace one of the policy sales messages with an additional product coverages message, linking to a page detailing available coverage options
Reorganize the quote box so that all quote related CTA's were located in the same area
Pull the sales messaging out from modals triggered by the Learn More CTA's

Shifting Gears
After a pause in the project timeline and before the new quote results page design made it to user testing, we were given instruction by the business unit to shift the goal of our design and development efforts toward the priority conversion goal of increasing the percentage of users who proceed to the application from the quote results page. This gave us the green light to do more discovery work before proceeding with any more design efforts.
New Discoveries
The Usability Manager brought some pertinent information to light regarding his conversation with some of the LSA's (licensed sales agents), who provide quotes over the phone. According to these LSA's, about 80% of prospective clients have the false notion that classic car insurance is "cheap insurance", so their sales tactic is educating them on the policy sales messages featured the original design, as well as Net Promotor Scores and claims satisfaction ratings.
With this new information from the LSA's and a new goal in mind, I performed another analysis and made additional design modifications, including:
Further simplifying the UI of the quote area
Moving the sales messages into a gray column along the right side of the quote details section
Adding a secondary quote and "Continue" CTA at the bottom of the page
Phone agents are an invaluable source for usability insights into the purchase motivations of prospective clients and should be consulted on a regular basis by the Usability Team.